Hi, I’m Sharon, a full-time wife and mommy to six boys, ranging from toddler to teenager. (I’m also a Christian missionary to Ukraine, and while this probably makes my life a bit different from yours, I bet that we have more in common than you might think!) I spend most of my time―and energy―caring for my children, and one of my greatest aspirations is to be the best mommy I can be.

Becoming a mommy was my first and only enduring childhood dream, possibly because I did much of my growing up without a mother. At the time, I don’t think I had any idea what a demanding job being a mommy was, but I probably appreciated its importance more than most people. Years later, when I was ready to have children, I had several miscarriages first. As a result, I now have a profound appreciation for the children in my arms. That’s not to say that they don’t annoy, frustrate, and exasperate me―usually on a daily basis! But in the midst of the chaos that often characterizes our home, I am constantly reminded that though raising children is the most difficult thing I have ever done, it is also the most important thing I will ever do. (Plus, it’s immensely rewarding!) I hope that my stories about the joys of being a mommy will encourage and inspire you to enjoy the journey with your own kids. If you haven’t already, subscribe to this blog to be notified when I post new content. I would be honored to have the privilege of encouraging you on a regular basis!

2 replies on “About”

Hi Sharon!
I read your heartwarming testimony of God’s provision on Assist News just now. I write materials for parents and homeschoolers and have made a policy of offering any of my e-books at no charge to missionaries. If you or other missionaries that you know would be interested in any or all of my resources, please let me know. I would be happy to send them your way.

Blessings to you and yours,

Marcia Washburn
Building Tomorrow’s Generation

Thank you, Marcia! I’m sorry I didn’t see your comment earlier. I stopped maintaining my blog for several years, and as I was bulk deleting the literally tens of thousands of spam comments that had piled up during that time and were awaiting my approval, I just happened to spot your message. We don’t homeschool or personally know any other missionaries who are currently homeschooling, but if I hear of any missionaries who could use your resources, I’ll point them your way. God bless you!

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